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皇冠娱乐城 作物养分管理研究团队在油菜钾素营养生理上取得新进展

南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 任涛)近日,皇冠娱乐城 皇冠娱乐城 作物养分管理研究团队在Plant, Cell & Environment和Journal of Experimental Botany上发表两篇研究论文,系统揭示了钾营养调控油菜叶片生长和叶片功能的生理机制,为油菜钾肥的精准施用提供了理论支撑。








皇冠娱乐城 皇冠娱乐城 博士研究生胡文诗和陆志峰副教授为论文的第一作者,任涛教授为论文通讯作者。作物养分管理研究团队鲁剑巍教授、李小坤教授、丛日环副教授等参与了相关的研究。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金、国家油菜产业技术体系和华中农业大学自主创新基金项目的资助。


Leaf growth relies on photosynthesis and hydraulics to provide carbohydrates and expansion power; in turn, leaves intercept light and construct organism systems for functioning. Under potassium (K) deficiency stress, leaf area, photosynthesis and hydraulics are all affected by alterations in leaf structure. However, the connection between changes in leaf growth and function caused by structure under K regulation is unclear. Consequently, the leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) and photosynthetic rate (A) combined with leaf anatomical characteristics of Brassica napus were continuously observed during leaf growth under different K supply levels. The results showed that Kleaf and A decreased simultaneously after leaf area with the increasing K deficiency stress. K deficiency significantly increased longitudinal mesophyll cell investment, leading to reduced the volume fraction of intercellular air-space (fias) and decreased leaf expansion rate. Furthermore, reduced fias decreased mesophyll and chloroplast surfaces exposed to intercellular airspace and gas phase H2O transport, which induced coordinated changes in CO2 mesophyll conductance and hydraulic conductance in extra-xylem pathways. Adequate K supply facilitated higher fias through smaller palisade tissue cell density (loose mesophyll cell arrangement) and smaller spongy tissue cell size, which coordinated CO2 and H2O conductance and promoted leaf area expansion.

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Carbon and water are two main factors limiting leaf expansion. Restriction of leaf growth by low availability of carbon or water is among the earliest visible effects of potassium (K) deficiency. It is not known how K is involved in regulating the rhythmic supply of these two substrates, which differ remarkably across the daynight cycle, affecting leaf expansion. We investigated the effects of different K regimes on the time courses of leaf expansion, carbon assimilation, carbohydrates, and hydraulic properties of Brassica napus. Potassium supply increased leaf area, predominantly by promoting night-time leaf expansion (>60%), which was mainly associated with increased availability of carbohydrates from photosynthetic carbon fixation and import from old leaves rather than improvement of leaf hydraulics. However, sufficient K improved leaf hydraulic conductance to balance diurnal evaporative water loss and increase the osmotic contribution of water-soluble carbohydrates, thereby maintaining leaf turgor and increasing the daytime expansion rate. The results also indicated an ontogenetic role of K in modifying the amplitude of circadian expansion; almost 80% of the increase in leaf area occurred before the area reached 66.9% of the mature size. Our data provide mechanistic insight into K-mediated diel coordination of rhythmic carbon supply and water balance in leaf expansion.