2021年土地退化、水土保持与可持续发展国际论坛将于2021年8月21-23日在辽宁省大连市举办。本次会议由世界水土保持学会联合意大利农业工程学会和中国水土保持学会土壤侵蚀专业委员会主办,由大连理工大学和帕多瓦大学(意大利)承办,由中国科皇冠娱乐城 水利部水土保持研究所、北京师范大学、华中农业大学、西安理工大学、意大利水土生物工程协会、北京林业大学、清华大学、水利部黄土高原水土保持重点实验室、山东农业大学、西南大学、福建农林大学、云南大学、山东水土保持学会等单位共同协办。会议学术委员会由30名来自国内外水土保持与可持续发展领域的著名专家组成,其中国内、外院士5名。会议将分为9大主会场和20个分会场。LASOSU2021相关信息详见会议网站。
Tian Li, Jin Tian
Presently the second circular of LASOSU2021, including the call for abstracts, has been published on the website of LASOSU2021.As described in the circular, the due date for the abstract submission is 31 March, 2021.
The International Forum on Land Degradation, Soil Conservation and Sustainable Development, 2021 (LASOSU2021) will be held on 21-23 August 2021 in Dalian, China, to provide an avenue for scientists to discuss pressing issues on soil loss facing our profession and society. The forum is hosted by World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering (Italy) and Soil Erosion Division of CSWCS (China), and organized by Dalian University of Technology (China) and University of Padova (Italy). Thirteen other famous institutes are also involved in co-organizing the conference, including Institute of Soil and Water Conservation of CAS & MWR (China), Beijing Normal University (China), Huazhong Agricultural University (China), Xi’an University of Technology (China), Italian Association for Soil and Water Bioengineering (Italy), Beijing Forestry University (China), Tsinghua University (China), Key Laboratory of Process and Control of Soil Loss on the Loess Plateau (China), Shandong Agricultural University (China), Southwest University (China), Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (China), Yunnan University (China), Shandong Division of CSWCS (China). The academic committee is consisted of 30 outstanding scientists in the field of soil conservation and sustainable development, of which 5 of them are academicians. Nine keynote sessions and 20 specific sessions will be held in the forum. The website of LASOSU2021 is shown at //meeting.dlut.edu.cn/meeting/index_en.asp?id=2710.The website of LASOSU2021 is shown at: