姓名:万彪 职称:教授
E-mail:[email protected]
个人简介:教授,博士生导师,湖北荆州人。2013年6月和2016年6月,于华中农业大学分别获学士和硕士学位;2020年12月,于美国佐治亚理工皇冠娱乐城 获博士学位。2021至2023年在德国图宾根大学从事博士后研究。主要研究地球表层环境中铁-碳-磷多要素生物地球化学耦联循环,为揭示土壤特征元素全生命周期的生态效应提供理论支撑。研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者(含共一、共通) 发表在Environ Sci Tech,Geochim Cosmochim Ac,Environ Int,Eur J Soil Sci等国际权威杂志。担任美国斯坦福同步辐射SSRL项目,Nat Commun,Environ Sci Tech,Geochim Cosmochim Ac,Fundament Res 等期刊评审专家。担任Front Environ Eng评审编辑,Rev Environ Contam Tox, J Cent South Univ青年编委。
2024-自今 华中农业大学/皇冠娱乐城 /教授
2021-2023 德国图宾根大学/地质微生物学/博士后
2016-2020 美国佐治亚理工皇冠娱乐城 /地球化学/博士
2013-2016 华中农业大学/环境科学/硕士
2009-2013 华中农业大学/环境科学/学士
1. 先进光谱、高分辨成像技术在环境化学及地质微生物学中的应用;
2. 生物与非生物作用共同介导下铁-碳-磷地球化学协同循环;
3. 生物源铁矿物形成与空间构造及细胞碳-矿物铁互作机制;
4. 微生物作用驱动环境磷素的生物地球化学循环;
5. 有氧-无氧环境中不同磷素与铁矿物界面行为驱动铁、磷转化。
1. 主持4项包括美国(SSRL)、法国(SOLEIL)、英国(Diamond)同步辐射装置测试项目;
2. 参与1项德国科学基金会DFG项目,2项美国国家科学基金项目(含1项重点项目)。
1. Yan YP, Feng XH, Wang XM, Li W, Lan S, Zheng LR, Zhang Q*, Wan B*. Transformation of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the presence of aluminum oxide with pre-sorbed phosphorus ligands. Environmental International, 2023, 173, 107847. (一区top,2022 IF= 11.8; 引用:1次)
2. Wan B, Huang RX, Diaz J, Tang YZ*. Rethinking the biotic and abiotic remineralization of complex phosphate molecules in soils and sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 833, 155187. (一区top,2022 IF= 9.8; 引用:5次)
3. Wan B, Yang P, Jung HS, Zhu MQ, Diaz J, Tang YZ*. Iron oxide-catalyzed hydrolysis of polyphosphate and the precipitation of calcium phosphate minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2021, 305, 49–65. (一区top,2022 IF= 5.0; 引用:18次)
4. Wan B, Huang RX, Diaz J, Tang YZ*. Polyphosphate adsorption and hydrolysis on aluminum oxides. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 53, 9542–9552. (一区top,2022 IF= 11.4; 引用:33次)
5. Huang RX#, Wan B#, Hultz M, Diaz J, Tang YZ*. Phosphatase-mediated hydrolysis of linear polyphosphates. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, 1183–1190. (一区top, 2022 IF= 11.4; 引用:48次)
1. Zeng LQ, Wan B*, Yan YP, Wang Q, Tang YZ, Feng XH. Simultaneous oxidation of Mn(II) and As(III) on cupric oxide promotes As(III) removal at circumneutral pH. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023, 125, 691-700. (一区,2022 IF= 6.9; 引用:2次)
2. Yan YP, Wan B*, Mansor M, Wang XM, Zhang Q, Kappler A, Feng XH*. Co-sorption of metal ions and inorganic anions/organic ligands on environmental minerals: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 803, 149918. (一区top,2022 IF= 9.8; 引用:38次)
3. Wan B*, Liang XR, Hu Z, Yan YP, Tan WF, Feng XH*. Effects of particle size and mineral crystallinity on formation of Zn-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) on aluminum (oxyhydr)oxides. Applied Clay Science 2021, 201, 105933. (一区,2022 IF= 5.9; 引用:3次)
4. Wan B, Elzinga EJ, Huang RX*, Tang YZ*. Molecular mechanism of linear polyphosphate adsorption on iron and aluminum oxides. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 52, 28448–28457. (二区,2022 IF= 3.7; 引用:14次)
5. Wan B, Hu Z, Yan YP, Liu F, Tan WF, Feng XH*. Quantitative investigation of ZnO nanoparticle dissolution in the presence of δ-MnO2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020, 27, 14751–14762. (一区,2022 IF= 5.8; 引用:3次)
6. Wan B, Huang RX, Diaz J, Tang YZ*. Manganese oxide catalyzed hydrolysis of polyphosphates. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2019, 11, 2623–2634. (二区,2022 IF= 3.4; 引用:14次)
7. Wan B, Yan YP, Huang RX, Abdala D, Liu F, Tang YZ, Tang WF, Feng XH*. Formation of Zn-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) during the interaction of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) with γAl2O3. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 650, 1980–1987. (一区top,2022 IF= 9.8; 引用:35次)
8. Zeng LQ#, Wan B#, Huang RX, Yan YP, Wang XM, Liu F, Feng XH*. Catalytic oxidation of arsenite and reaction pathways on the surface of CuO nanoparticles at a wide range of pHs. Geochemical Transactions 2018, 19, 12. (二区,2022 IF= 2.3; 引用:14次)
9. Wan B, Yan YP, Tang YZ, Bai YG, Liu F, Tan WF, Huang QY, Feng XH*. Effects of polyphosphates and orthophosphate on the dissolution and transformation of ZnO nanoparticles. Chemosphere 2017, 176, 255−265. (一区,2022 IF= 8.8; 引用:25次)
10. Wan B, Yan YP, Zhu MQ, Wang XM, Liu F, Tang WF, Feng XH*. Quantitative and spectroscopic investigations of the co-sorption of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate and cadmium(II) onto hematite. European Journal of Soil Science 2017, 68, 374−383. (一区,2022 IF= 4.2; 引用:22次)
11. Wan B, Yan YP, Liu F, Tan WF, He JJ, Feng XH*. Surface speciation of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate adsorbed on TiO2 nanoparticles and its impact on their colloidal stability in aqueous suspension: A comparative study with orthophosphate. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 554, 134−142. (一区top,2022 IF= 9.8; 引用:25次)
12. Wan B, Yan YP, Liu F, Tan WF, Chen CH, Feng XH*. Surface adsorption and precipitation of inositol hexakisphosphate on calcite: A comparison with orthophosphate. Chemical Geology 2016, 421, 103–111. (一区,2022 IF= 3.9; 引用:36次)
13. Wan B, Yan YP, Liu F, Tan WF, He JJ, Feng XH*. Effects of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate and orthophosphate adsorption on aggregation of CeO2 nanoparticles: Roles of pH and surface coverage. Environmental Chemistry 2016, 13, 34–42. (一区,2022 IF= 4.3; 引用:10次)