姓名:何阳波 职称:副教授
E-mail:kathy@mail.crownylc.com; 392497398@qq.com
何阳波,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事土壤结构监测与提升,绿肥植物改良土壤结构和缓解季节性干旱,农田绿肥作用下净生态系统经济效益计算,土壤地力提升,水土流失影响等研究。主持有国家自然科学基金、湖北省面上项目、华中农业大学自主科技创新基金、国家重点研发计划骨干成员等科研项目。近年来,以第一/通讯作者在《Geoderma》、《Soil and Tillage Research》、《Catena》等国际学术杂志发表论文30余篇,现担任Agronomy Journal, Agricultural & Environmental Letters期刊副编辑,为Geoderma等多个国际学术期刊审稿人。
2004/09-2008/06 东北农业大学,园林皇冠娱乐城 ,学士
2009/01-2014/12 North Dakota State University美国,土壤系,硕士和博士
2015/03-2019/12 华中农业大学,皇冠娱乐城 ,讲师
2019/12-至今 华中农业大学,皇冠娱乐城 ,副教授
本科生课程:土壤肥料学、土壤退化防治与修复全英文课程, 环境土壤学,水文与水资源学,土壤与地质实习,自然地理实习
研究生课程:Soil Degradation Conservation and Remediation全英文
2021-2024: “思政课程”和“课程思政”示范建设项目“环境土壤学”,主持
2019-2020:华中农业大学“引智类”研究生全英文课程建设项目“Scientific writing”,主持
2017-2019:研究生英语授课品牌课程建设项目“土壤退化与防治(Soil Degradation Conservation and Remediation)”,主持
1.何阳波,Thomas DeSutter, 陈家宙,林丽蓉.基于“zoom 会议系统”的外教讲授‘土壤退化与防治’全英文课程教学实践.科教导刊. 2021年第33期 243-244.
2. 何阳波,David Clay,田正超. 外教主导的农业类研究生科技写作教学与实践. 科教导刊. 2020年第8期 53-54.
3.何阳波,陈家宙,朱俊. 土壤退化与防治全英文课程实践与探索. 2019, 6(43):90-91.
4. 何阳波,谭文峰,黄传琴,汪明霞. 土壤修复与地力提升课程思政教学探索. 2019, 6(56):220-221,227.
1. 2023年,作为团长带领本科生赴英国诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)参加国际暑期交流学习项目(2周)
2. 2019年,作为团长带领本科生赴美参加美国蒙大拿州立大学举办的Huazhong Agricultural University 暑期项目(2周)
3. 指导大学生科技创新基金SRF和国创项目,并发表论文
2. 华中农业大学自主科技创新项目,无机土壤改良剂对红壤有效水及水分运动的影响机制,2015/05-2017/12,主持。
3. 湖北省自然科学基金面上类项目, 长期施加有机肥对红壤水分动态及孔隙内碳固存的影响机制, 2019/09-2021/09, 主持。
4.国家重点研发计划项目: 黑土地风蚀水蚀融蚀过程、耦合机制与阻控原理-----水力侵蚀主导的复合侵蚀过程及其对耕地质量影响机理,2021/12-2024/12, 骨干成员。
5.中国科皇冠娱乐城 华南植物园珊瑚砂成土机制及调控技术,2023/1-2025/5,骨干成员
7.国家自然科学基金面上项目,长期绿肥还田下水稻土中黏土矿物演化及其对团聚体水稳性的影响,2020/01-2023/12, 参与
8. 水利厅科研项目, “湖北省2023年水土流失动态监测项目水土保持监测点数据整编,2022/10-2023/12,参与
9. 水利厅科研项目, 湖北省2022年水土流失动态监测项目水土流失预测预报模型参数率定, 2021/10-2022/12,参与
10. 水利厅科研项目, “湖北省2021年水土流失动态监测项目水土保持监测点数据整编,2020/10-2021/12,参与
11. 水利厅科研项目, 湖北省重点监测点径流小区土壤理化性质分析, 2022/2-2022/12,参与
1. 2018年华中农业大学2018年度教学质量优秀二等奖
1. Ali, W., R. Gao, T. Zhao, J. Chen, Y. He(何阳波)* , T. Luo, S. Hussain. 2024. Fall/winter cover crop roots change soil hydrology to control the drought status of subsequent season summer maize in Ultisol. Soil & Tillage Research 236.
2. 何阳波,董俊琦,曾 蕙,刘思宇,王法明,杨明萱,郭再华.2024 香根草和紫花苜蓿水培根系分泌物缓解黏质红壤机械阻力模拟研究. 土壤学报. DOI: 10.11766/trxb202304190155
3.He Y. (何阳波) *, Y. Gao, X. Li, J. Chen, J. Yang, J. Chen, C. Cai. 2023. Influence of gully erosion on hydraulic properties of black soil-based farmland. Catena 232.
4.He Y. (何阳波)*,X. Song, X. Li, Y. Gao, J. Yang, J. Chen, J. Chen, C. Cai. 2023. Spatial Properties of Soil Physical Quality Index S in Black Soil Croplands under Permanent Gully Erosion. Land 12.
5.Yang, W., X. Song, Y. He(何阳波)*, B. Chen, Y. Zhou, J. Chen.2023. Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Density Fractions in Aggregates as Influenced by Salts and Microbial Community. Land 12.
6.Ali, W., S. Hussain, J. Chen, F. Hu, J. Liu, Y. He(何阳波)*, M. Yang. 2022. Cover crop root-derived organic carbon influences aggregate stability through soil internal forces in a clayey red soil. Geoderma 429
7.Ali, W., M. Yang, Q. Long, S. Hussain, J. Chen, D. Clay, Y. He(何阳波)*. 2022. Different fall/winter cover crop root patterns induce contrasting red soil (Ultisols) mechanical resistance through aggregate properties. Plant and Soil.
8 He Y. (何阳波)*, M. Yang, B. Chen, J. Zhao, W. Ali. 2022. Soil aggregation influences soil drought degree after long term organic fertilization in red soil. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15.
9 He Y.(何阳波)*, Z. Wu, T. Zhao, H. Yang, W. Ali, J. Chen. 2022. Different plant species exhibit contrasting root traits and penetration to variation in soil bulk density of clayey red soil. Agronomy Journal 114: 867-877.
10 He Y.(何阳波)*, M. Yang, R. Huang, Y. Wang, W. Ali. 2021. Soil organic matter and clay zeta potential influence aggregation of a clayey red soil (Ultisol) under long‑term fertilization. Scientific Reports 11.
11 He Y.(何阳波)*, F. Gu, C. Xu, Y. Wang. 2019. Assessing of the influence of organic and inorganic amendments on the physical-chemical properties of a red soil (Ultisol) quality. Catena 183.
12. Yangbo He*, Feng Gu, Cheng Xu, Jiazhou Chen. 2019. Influence of Iron/Aluminum Oxides and Aggregates on Plant Available Water with Different Amendments in Red Soils, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74:145-159
13. Kayla Graber, Christina L.M. Hargiss, Thomas DeSutter, Yangbo He*. 2019. Jack Norland, Dispersion of Gravel Road Fine-fractions as Influenced by Oil-well Produced Water and Simulated Solutions of Various SAR, EC, and Ca/Mg Ratios, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
14. Yangbo He*, Cheng Xu, Feng Gu, Yao Wang, Jiazhou Chen. 2018. Soil Aggregate Stability Improves Greatly in Response to Soil Water Dynamics under Natural Rains in Long-term Organic Fertilization, Soil & Tillage Research 184:281-290
15. Yangbo He*, Thomas DeSutter*, Jack Norland, Amitava Chatterjee, Frank Casey, David Clay. 2018. The Measurement, Prediction, and Development of Soil Management Zones in Low-relief Sodic Soils, Precision Agriculture19:858-875
16. Yangbo He, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. 2017. Maize Root Morphology Responses to Soil Penetration Resistance Related to Tillage and Drought in a Clayey Soil, The Journal of Agricultural Science 155:1137-1149
17. Yangbo He*, Thomas DeSutter*, Frank Casey, David Clay, Dave Franzen, Dean Steele. 2015. Field Capacity as Influenced by Na and EC: Implications for Subsurface Drainage, Geoderma 245-246:83-88
18. Yangbo He., T.M.DeSutter(*), D.Hopkins,D.Wysocki, and D.E.Clay. 2015.Relationship between 1:5 soil/water and saturated paste extract sodium adsorption ratios by three extraction methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79:681-687.
19. Yangbo He., T.M.DeSutter(*), and D.E.Clay. 2013. Dispersion of pure clay minerals as influenced by calcium/magnesium ratios, sodium adsorption ratio, and electrical conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77:2014–2019.
20.Yangbo He , T.M.DeSutter(*), D.Hopkins, X.Jia, and D.Wysocki. 2013. Predicting ECeof the saturated paste extract from value of EC1:5. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93:585–594.
21. Yangbo He , T.M.DeSutter(*), L.Prunty, D.Hopkins, X.Jia, and D.Wysocki. 2012. Evaluation of 1:5 soil to water extract electrical conductivity methods. Geoderma 185-186:12–17.
22. 徐程,谷峰,王瑶,何阳波*,陈家宙. 2019. 土壤团聚体和水分动态在3种植被覆盖下的关系,水土保持学报 33:68 ~ 74.
23. Xiaoqian Duan, Yusong Deng, Yu Tao, Yangbo He (何阳波), Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. 2018. Variation in Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity along the Hillslope of Collapsing Granite Gullies, Hydrological Sciences Journal 63:803-817.
24. Yu Tao, Yangbo He(何阳波), Xiaoqian Duan, Ziqiang Zou, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. 2017. Preferential Flows and Soil Moistures on a Benggang Slope: Determined by the Water and Temperature Co-monitoring, Journal of Hydrology. 553:678–690. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.029
25 Upasana Ghosh*, Resham Thapa, Thomas DeSutter, Yangbo He(何阳波), Amitava Chatterjee. 2017. Saline-Sodic Soils: Potential Sources of Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Dioxide Emissions? Pedosphere 27:65-75.
26. Thomas DeSutter*, Dave Franzen, Yangbo He(何阳波). 2015. A. Wick, J. Lee, B. Deutsch, David Clay, Relating sodium percentage to sodium adsorption ratio and its utility in the northern great plains. Soil Science Society of America Journal 79(4): 1261-1264.
博士留学生:Waqar Ali、Usama Khan