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姓名:姜炎彬   职称:副教授


E-mail[email protected]


   2012年6月毕业于中国农业大学生物皇冠娱乐城 植物学专业植物生态学方向,获得理学博士学位,2010-2011年间在荷兰Univerisity of Twente联合培养一年。2012年至2014年在中国科皇冠娱乐城 地理科学与资源研究所博士后进行为期2年的博士后研究,研究方向为草地生态学与全球变化。2014年6月进入皇冠娱乐城-全球知名娱乐平台-2025最新测评 生态环境系工作,主要承担《生态学》、《资源调查与评价》等课程的教学工作。主持了国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金,湖北省自然科学基金、参与国家重点研发计划、国家973项目、国家科技支撑项目、中国科皇冠娱乐城 战略性先导科技专项等。发表论文40余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文10余篇,参译教材一部。担任《Journal of Vegetation Science》、《Biodiversity and Conservation》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Journal of Plant Ecology》等期刊审稿人。











7.中国科皇冠娱乐城 战略性先导科技专项“生态系统固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力”中专题“藏北草地固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力(2011-2015)”,参与,负责草地植被生产力研究及项目的协调工作



1.Jiang, Y., Wang, J., Muhammad, S., Zhou, A.q., Hao, R., Wu, Y*. How do earthworms affect decomposition of residues with different quality apart from fragmentation and incorporation? Geoderma 2018, 326, 68-75. (SCI, 3.921)

2.Han, Q., Wang, T.,Jiang, Y.*, Fischer, R., Li, C. Phenological variation decreased carbon uptake in European forests during 1999–2013. Forest Ecology and Management 2018, 427(1), 45-51. (SCI, 3.524)

3.Jiang, Y., Fan, M., Hu, R., Zhao, J., Wu, Y*. Mosses are better than leaves of vascular plants in monitoring atmospheric heavy metal pollution in urban areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(6), 1105. (SCI, 2.605)

4.Jiang, Y., Wang, T., Wu, Y., Hu, R., Huang, K., Shao, X*. Past distribution of epiphyllous liverworts in China: The usability of historical data. Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 8, 7436-7450. (SCI, 2.788)

5.Jiang, Y., Zhang, Y.*, Wu, Y., Hu, R., Zhu, J., Tao, J. & Zhang, T. Relationships between aboveground biomass and plant cover at two spatial scales and their determinants in northern Tibetan grasslands. Ecology and Evolution, 2017, 7: 7954-7964. (SCI, 2.788)

6.Jiang Y., Zhang Y. *, Zhu J., Tao J., Zhang T., Xi Y. Effects of community structure on precipitation-use efficiency of grasslands in northern Tibet. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2017, 28: 281-290. (SCI, 3.404)

7.Jiang Y., Tao J., Huang Y., Zhu J., Zhang Y. The spatial pattern of grasslandaboveground biomass on XizangPlateau and its climatic controls. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 8:30-40. (SCI,2.28)

8.Jiang Y., Liu X., Song S., Yu Z., Shao X. Diversity and distribution of ground bryophytes in broadleaved forests in Mabian Dafengding National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015, 35(2):13-19

9.Jiang Y., Wang T., de Bie CA.J.M., Skidmore A.K., Liu X., Song S., Zhang L., Wang J., Shao, X., Satellite-derived vegetation indices contribute significantly to the prediction of epiphyllous liverworts. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 38: 72-80 (SCI,3.23)

10.Jiang Y., de Bie CA.J.M., Wang T., Skidmore A.K., Liu X., Song S., Shao X. Hyper-temporal remote sensing helps in relating epiphyllous liverworts and evergreen forests. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2013, 24:214-226 (SCI,3.372)

11.Jiang Y., Liu X.H., Tian R.X. Shao X. Field-sampling methods for investigating ground-bryophyte populations in forest vegetation. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2011, 99(2):317-327 (SCI, 0.56)

12.Jiang Y., Shao X., Li R. New records of mosses growing on bones in China. Guihaia, 2010, 30(6):818-820

13.Song S, Liu X, Bai X,Jiang Y, Zhang X, Yu C, Shao X. Impacts of Environmental Heterogeneity on Moss Diversity and Distribution of Didymodon (Pottiaceae) in Tibet, China. PLOS One. 2015: 1-17.

14.Zhu, J., Jiang, L., Zhang, Y.,Jiang, Y., Tao, J., Tian, L., Zhang, T. & Xi, Y. (2014) Below-ground competition drives the self-thinning process of populations in Northern Tibet. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2015, 26: 166-174.

15.Tao, J., Zhang, Y., Dong, J., Fu, Y., Zhu, J., Zhang, G.,Jiang, Y., Tian, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, T. & Xi, Y. (2014) Elevation-dependent relationships between climate change and grassland vegetation variation across the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35: 1638-1647.

16.Xi Y, Zhang T, Zhang Y, Zhu J, Zhang G,Jiang Y.Nitrogen addition alters the phenology of a dominant alpine plant in northern Tibet. Arct Antarct Alp Res. 2015,47: 511-518.

17.Zhang Y., Yu G., Yang J., Wimberly M.C., Zhang X., TaoJ.,Jiang Y., Zhu J. Climate-driven global changes in carbon use efficiency. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014, 23:144-155 (SCI 7.223)

18.Tao J., Zhang Y., Zhu J.,Jiang Y., Zhang X., Zhang T., Xi Y. Elevation-dependent temperature change in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau grassland during the past decade. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 2014, 117: 61-71.

19.姜炎彬,范苗,张扬建.短期增温对藏北高寒草甸植物群落特征的影响.生态学杂志, 2017, 36: 616-622.

20.范苗,伍玉鹏,胡荣桂,姜炎彬*.武汉市城区苔藓植物多样性和分布及其与环境因子的关系.植物科学学报, 2017, 35: 825-834.

21.姜炎彬,邵小明*.叶附生苔植物物种多样性分布格局及生态成因.植物生态学报, 2016, 40(5), 523–532. (期刊优秀论文)

22.姜炎彬,张扬建.西藏天然草地植物功能群分布的初步研究.植物科学学报,2016,34(2): 220-229

23.姜炎彬,邵小明.苔藓植物分布及其物种多样性的研究评述.武汉植物学研究,2010, 28(3):385-390

