姓名:吴一超 职称:副研究员、硕士生导师
E-mail:[email protected]
2008.8-2012.7东南大学土木工程皇冠娱乐城 本科
2013.1-2017.5新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境工程皇冠娱乐城 博士
2017.8-至今皇冠娱乐城-全球知名娱乐平台-2025最新测评 副研究员
1.Wu Y, N Zaiden, B Cao* (2018) The Core- and Pan-Genomic Analyses of the GenusComamonas: From Environmental Adaptation to Potential Virulence. Frontiers in Microbiology 9(3096).
2.Wu Y, Jing X, Gao C, Huang Q, Cai P* (2018) Recent advances in microbial electrochemical system for soil bioremediation. Chemosphere 211: 156-163
3.Yang Y,Wu Y, Hu Y, Wang H, Guo L, Fredrickson JK, Cao B* (2017) Harnessing the periplasm of bacterial cells to develop biocatalysts for the biosynthesis of highly pure chemicals. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84:1 11 e01693-17. (共同一作)
4.Wu Y, Wang X, Tay MQX, Oh S, Yang L, Tang C, Cao B* (2017) Metagenomic insights into the influence of salinity and cytostatic drugs on the composition and functional genes of microbial community in forward osmosis anaerobic membrane bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 326: 462–469.
5.Wu Y, Mohanty A, Chia WS, Cao B* (2016) Influence of 3-chloroaniline on the biofilm lifestyle of Comamonastestosteroni and its implications on bioaugmentation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82: 4401-4409
6.Wu Y, Shukal S, Mukherjee M, Cao B* (2015) Involvement in denitrification is beneficial to the biofilm lifestyle of Comamonastestosteroni: A mechanistic study and its environmental implications. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 11551-11559.
7.Wu Y, Cao B* (2015) Assessment of bacterial survival in the presence of nanomaterials: Is CFU count sufficient? Environmental Engineering Science 32.12: 977-977.
8.Wu Y,Arumugam K, Tay M, Seshan H, Mohanty A, Cao B* (2015) Comparative genome analysis reveals genetic adaptation to versatile environmental conditions and importance of biofilm lifestyle in Comamonastestosteroni. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99: 3519-3532.
9.Wu Y, Ding Y, Cohen Y, Cao B* (2015) Elevated level of the second messenger c-di-GMP in Comamonastestosteroni enhances biofilm formation and biofilm-based biodegradation of 3-chloroaniline. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99: 1967-1976.
新加坡南洋理工大学土木与工程皇冠娱乐城 最佳毕业论文(2017)
Travel Grant, the 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 15, 2014)